Tim To The Rescue Author and Illustrator: Edward Ardizzone Reading: Stephen Fry Little Tim is an adventurous child who longs for a life at sea. Bored by a long morning of self directed sums and lessons, Tim is delighted when a knock at the door brings an invitation from his old friend Captain McFee. Children may be surprised that a boy of his age might be allowed to go to sea at all, but Tim is a child from […]
TIM ALL ALONE– Book by Edward Ardizzone –
– Book by Edward Ardizzone –
Tim All Alone Author and Illustrator: Edward Ardizzone Reading: Stephen Fry Arriving home after a holiday voyage at sea, little Tim finds an extraordinary thing has happened. His parents are no longer living in their house, in fact no one is there at all. Most young readers will find this story quite gripping. It won a prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal when it was published in the 1950’s and can still effortlessly tickle the imagination of any tablet toting child. […]
– Book by Nicola Edwards –
Talking About Eating Problems Author: Nicola Edwards Problems with food can make people uncomfortable and unhappy. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, finding a healthy balance that is right for you is the best answer. Exercise is the best way to balance out your system. Teenagers, especially girls can be at risk from body image issues that can lead to unhealthy patterns. Anorexia is a mental imbalance that makes people starve their bodies. This can be very dangerous and […]
INTEGRITY– Book by Kimberley Jane Pryor –
– Book by Kimberley Jane Pryor –
Integrity Author: Kimberley Jane Pryor This straight forward book for kids, discusses and breaks down what integrity really means. Starting with values, ‘which are the things you believe in’, kids are encouraged to understand that the word ‘values’ means, ideas that guide the way you think, speak and behave. The key words are in bold, making it easier to connect with the key concepts. Photographs of children acting out the scenarios help to role-model positive action and bring alive the […]
FEELING JEALOUS Thoughts And Feelings Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Thoughts And Feelings Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Feeling Jealous Thoughts And Feelings Series Author: Sarah Levete What is feeling jealous all about? Powerful emotions come up for so many reasons, so how do kids deal with these? By recognising and working through feeling jealous, children are empowered to develop healthy relationships and high self esteem. This helpful book explores a range of jealous feelings that a group of primary aged children are experiencing. The photos and illustrations show common scenarios in a child’s emotional development. […]
KEEPING SAFE Talking About Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Talking About Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Keeping Safe: Talking About Series Author: Sarah Levete All children deserve to be protected and safe. As adults keeping safe becomes second nature to us. When children first begin to do things on their own and start learning to be responsible it is the parents and carers job to give them information which will help them understand what to do if they feel unsafe and how to avoid potentially dangerous situations. This excellent book is targeted for ages 4-12 and […]
WHY DO I FEEL SCARED? A First Look At Being Brave
– Book by Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker –
A First Look At Being Brave
– Book by Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker –
Why Do I Feel Scared? A First Look At Being Brave Author: Pat Thomas Illustrator: Lesley Harker The world needs brave people, do you think you could be one? An excellent first experience book which encourages children to develop the skills of courage and bravery in their everyday lives. Learning to be courageous is an important and powerful step in overcoming fears and resolving moral issues. This is not something that only hero’s do. Bravery and courage are special gifts […]
CAPTAIN BUCKLEBOOTS ON THE NAUGHTY STEP – Book by Mark Sperring and Tom McLaughlin –
– Book by Mark Sperring and Tom McLaughlin –
Captain Buckleboots on the Naughty Step Author: Mark Sperring Illustrator: Tom McLaughlin When Sam sits on the Naughty Step he can’t draw or read a book or do anything else. The Naughty Step is the place where he gets sent to think about his naughty deed and what he can do to make amends. Normally he has the step all to himself, but one day the step creaks and he finds himself sharing it with a pirate who has […]
ERIC THE HERO – Book by Christopher Wormell –
– Book by Christopher Wormell –
Eric The Hero Author and Illustrator: Christopher Wormell Everybody is good at something, even little Eric. Eric the Hero is a simple but tender story of a lonely boy who gets called names until he believes they are true. He soon finds out that he is not the only one who is running away from home. Something fearsome is coming out of the forest! As the villagers rush to the safety of a medieval castle, they shout, “Someone would […]