Virginia Wolf Author: Kyo Maclear Illustrator: Isabelle Arsenault A story which broaches the complicated subject of the depression of a family member. Kindness, perseverance and creativity prevail. This book suggests kind ways of interacting with people who are having difficulties or have a mood related illness. Virginia and Vanessa are sisters. Vanessa paints and draws making life bright, expansive and cheery. Virginia is cantankerous and unhappy. She withdraws from the world and frightens people away with her ‘wolfish’ behaviour. […]
– Book by Sue Hendra –
Doug The Bug that Went Boing Author and Illustrator: Sue Hendra A very funny story about friendship, arguments, fair play and saying sorry. Written and illustrated with drama and wit this adorable bug will have pre-schoolers laughing. As best friends Doug and Trevor quarrel over whose turn it is to get the berry ball down, a terrible thing happens. Scooped up with a daisy, Doug finds himself in a flowerpot on high rise window ledge. How will he ever get […]
FEELING JEALOUS Thoughts And Feelings Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Thoughts And Feelings Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Feeling Jealous Thoughts And Feelings Series Author: Sarah Levete What is feeling jealous all about? Powerful emotions come up for so many reasons, so how do kids deal with these? By recognising and working through feeling jealous, children are empowered to develop healthy relationships and high self esteem. This helpful book explores a range of jealous feelings that a group of primary aged children are experiencing. The photos and illustrations show common scenarios in a child’s emotional development. […]
– Book by Molly Bang –
When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really, Angry. Author and Illustrator: Molly Bang An excellent story about a child learning to overcoming her own anger without the assistance of adult intervention. When Sophie gets angry, really, really angry, she loses her temper with spectacular ferocity. The anger is depicted as an unrestrained fiery jet erupting from her mouth and as a palpable force radiating from her in huge orange and red waves. Sophie’s intense emotions are set off when she has […]
THE SNOW LEOPARD – Book by Jackie Morris –
– Book by Jackie Morris –
The Snow Leopard Author and Illustrator: Jackie Morris Gaspingly beautiful. A myth of rebirth and transformation set in the secret folds of the Himalayan mountains. The Snow Leopard is a guardian protector and creator being. Sensing changes in the world Snow Leopard looks for the one who will learn the songs of power and eventually take its place. A sleeping girl hears the songs and is woven deep into the fabric of this magical adventure. Poetically written, the universal […]