THE POND Author: Nicola Davies Illustrator: Cathy Fisher BUY – The Pond Processing loss is something that we all come to know. A favourite toy, a pet or someone we care about. There are occasions in a child’s life when a book may help to accept and adjust to a particular situation. Such a book may create a climate in which emotion can be expressed, and this is infinitely more important than ‘understanding’. How can anyone, adult or child, […]
– Book by Karin Celestine –
Catching Dreams – Celestine and the Hare Author and Illustrator: Karin Celestine From the fibrous felt animal world of Celestine and the Hare comes another beautifully crafted story for your little ones. Catching Dreams is a gentle read, a story about separation anxiety, bad dreams and the answers we lovingly give to little ones when they are fearful. Share the crafty solution with Small and Baby Weasus as they show you how to make your own dream catcher at […]
THROUGH THE EYES OF ME– Book by Jon Roberts and Hannah Rounding –
– Book by Jon Roberts and Hannah Rounding –
Through The Eyes Of Me Author: John Roberts Illustrator: Hannah Rounding A gentle little introduction into the world of autism through the eyes of 4 year old Kya. Understanding behaviors and learning to appreciating how thoughts and feelings are expressed by kids on the autism spectrum can make it easier for children to connect and accept their peers. This lovely tribute to the author’s daughter, shows us many of the things Kya finds engrossing, settling or fun. It also […]
AZZI IN BETWEEN– Book by Sarah Garland –
– Book by Sarah Garland –
Azzi In Between Author and Illustrator: Sarah Garland To leave your home, your grandma, your friends and everything you own without warning, what would that be like? This child’s powerful and heart-warming story of her family’s flight, escaping as refugees in the night, inspires compassion and offers comprehension of things both strange and complex. Azzi lives what most kids would call a normal kind of life. She goes to school, friends come over to play, her dad’s a doctor, […]
Bedtime Relaxation– Audio recording by Learning Stories –
– Audio recording by Learning Stories –
Bedtime Relaxation Audio Recording: Learning Stories BUY – Bedtime Relaxation Fantastic for long flights, day naps and as a bedtime routine builder. This beautifully crafted 20 minute guided audio story for children is a powerful tool for all parents! Perfect for helping your child to get to sleep, it also develops mindfulness, self-awareness and shows children how to use their breath to relax. Visit their website. Learning Stories Audio Open this realm of relaxation and calmness to your children. […]
MY PARENTS DIVORCE – Book by Sally Hewitt –
– Book by Sally Hewitt –
My Parents Divorce Author: Sally Hewitt Alfie’s dad left to live with his girlfriend and Alfie was so angry he didn’t want to visit him. In this dated looking “How can I deal with…” series, we find a wealth of information which aims to support children through common difficulties. My Parents Divorce, is also a book to help parents recognise how kids might be feeling. Issues are approached primarily through the stories of real children and how they felt when […]
– Book by Nicola Edwards –
Talking About Eating Problems Author: Nicola Edwards Problems with food can make people uncomfortable and unhappy. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, finding a healthy balance that is right for you is the best answer. Exercise is the best way to balance out your system. Teenagers, especially girls can be at risk from body image issues that can lead to unhealthy patterns. Anorexia is a mental imbalance that makes people starve their bodies. This can be very dangerous and […]
FOR EACH AND EVERY CHILD – Book By Unicef New Zealand –
– Book By Unicef New Zealand –
For Each And Every Child He Taongo Tonu te Tamariki Editor: Alex Collins Translator: Heni Jacob Designer: Luke Kelly Illustrators: Matt Gauldie, Leilani Isara, Andrew Burdan, Elspeth Alix Batt, Rachael Walker,Tom Simpson, Stephen Crowe, Bruce Potter, Rebecca Kereopa. This magnificent book aims to empower children and communities, ensuring that every child is valued through respecting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. For Each And Every Child is a book about the non-negotiable rights of children. Powerful […]
KEEPING SAFE Talking About Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Talking About Series
– Book by Sarah Levete –
Keeping Safe: Talking About Series Author: Sarah Levete All children deserve to be protected and safe. As adults keeping safe becomes second nature to us. When children first begin to do things on their own and start learning to be responsible it is the parents and carers job to give them information which will help them understand what to do if they feel unsafe and how to avoid potentially dangerous situations. This excellent book is targeted for ages 4-12 and […]
WHY AM I SO TIRED? A First Look At Childhood Diabetes
– Book by Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker –
A First Look At Childhood Diabetes
– Book by Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker –
Why Am I So Tired? A First Look At Childhood Diabetes Author: Pat Thomas Illustrator: Lesley Harker What is insulin, how does it help you get energy from your food and what does this have to do with glucose in your blood? Why Am I So Tired, talks in 100% positive language about understanding diabetes in terms that young children can relate to and which enables adults to support children effectively. Kids with diabetes (not referred to as diabetics) can […]