Why Am I So Tired? A First Look At Childhood Diabetes Author: Pat Thomas Illustrator: Lesley Harker What is insulin, how does it help you get energy from your food and what does this have to do with glucose in your blood? Why Am I So Tired, talks in 100% positive language about understanding diabetes in terms that young children can relate to and which enables adults to support children effectively. Kids with diabetes (not referred to as diabetics) can […]
WHY DO I FEEL SCARED? A First Look At Being Brave
– Book by Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker –
A First Look At Being Brave
– Book by Pat Thomas and Lesley Harker –
Why Do I Feel Scared? A First Look At Being Brave Author: Pat Thomas Illustrator: Lesley Harker The world needs brave people, do you think you could be one? An excellent first experience book which encourages children to develop the skills of courage and bravery in their everyday lives. Learning to be courageous is an important and powerful step in overcoming fears and resolving moral issues. This is not something that only hero’s do. Bravery and courage are special gifts […]