Star Child
Author and Illustrator: Claire Nivola
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A spiritual journey runs beneath the consciousness of everyday life.
This story celebrates the cycle of life and what it is like to be alive on earth.
It gently introduces the idea of a before and after life experience.
The Star Child is a tiny flame of vapour, invisible and timeless that watches the earth with its elders from far away. It wishes to visit earth and the story that unfolds is told to it by the elders.
Star Child will need to be born as a human child, grow and develop slowly. You will become independent and learn to live in a world full of experiences, emotions, colours, sensations and sounds.
Children will understand that the boy’s broken toy brings feelings of disappointment and that seeing something wonderful fills him with joy.
The Star Child will find wonder in the diversity and beauty of creatures and plants. Nature is always in motion, always changing.
“You will be plunged into Earth’s river of time.”
“In your confusion and delight, you will forget where you came from.”
These powerful images and ideas are expanding and thought provoking.
The cycle of life and return to the source are played out for children, in vibrant illustrations which are free from religious symbolism.
An unusual and interesting book which adds another dimension to a child’s concept of everyday life. The idea that you are more than your worldly experiences can bring freedom and security.
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Book Details
- Age Range: 5 – 8 years
- Hardcover: 40 pages
- Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Publication Date: May, 2014
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0374371822
- ISBN-13: 978-0374371821
- Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.4 x 8.8 inches