Mog On Fox Night
Author and Illustrator: Judith Kerr
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A lovely story about being a bit fussy, but getting let off the hook by kind friends and some hungry foxes.
Mog is unimpressed with the fish she is given for dinner. She is not happy with the second option of kitty food either. “She wants an egg” says Debbie.
Mr Thomas had just put the bin bags out in the snow and was not in a good mood. He said Mog was spoilt and would not get an egg for breakfast either if she did not eat what she had been given.
Both children knew that she would never eat the food. Poor Mog. She was very cross and went out into the snow in a huff to slept behind the bin bags. She dreamt that Mr Thomas had all the eggs in the world in bag and he was taking it away.
In the night foxes came and ripped open the bin bag to find food. Mog saw to her horror that the fox ate the piece of fish that she had left in her bowl the day before. Now her two cubs were also being fed from the bin bag. Yuck! thought Mog.
The cubs played a bit and then wanted to play with Mog, but Mog did not want to play and ran through her cat flap. The foxes followed. Mog crept onto Debbie’s bed to sleep and escape the playful foxes.
Luckily in the night they ate her food and in the morning Debbie and Nicky saw what had gone on and cleaned up the mess the foxes had made. Mr Thomas thought Mog had eaten her food and she was allowed an egg for breakfast after all.
Mog was pleased and so were the foxes.
Mog is a cat lovers delight. Transparent and stubborn but 100% loveable.
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Book Details
- Age Range: 2 – 5 years
- Paperback | Hardcover: 32 pages
- Publisher: Harper Collins Children’s Books
- New edition: November 1, 2004
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0007171366
- ISBN-13: 978-0007171361
- Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches