Usborne Maze Puzzles
Author: Blundell and Tyler
Buy – Animal Mazes Usborne Books
Excellent fun for the enquiring mind. Help cat and mouse travel through the book in an adventure story which engages the reader in solving the mazes.
Each page of beautifully drawn scenes is like a busy wallpaper, where tons of fun details and characters can be discovered.
Vera the Viper does not speak Penguinese so no one is quite sure which is the way to Pinkie Penguin’s home. Will the friends be able to solve the first problem.
Mazes are important for brain development as they can assist in understanding and recognising patterns. They develop skills of visualisation and memory.
After many challenges they reach Antarctica. King Penguin thanks them for bringing Pinkie Penguin safely home. The pictures are very silly with dolphins playing water volleyball, penguins sun bathing and the stripy sun shades of Cafe Antarctica flap under the watchful eye of hungry path blocking walrus’.
Using your finger to solve the puzzles means they can be done a number of times.
Hours of fun!
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Product Details
- Age Range: 3 – 6 years
- Paperback
- Publisher: Scholastic, Inc.
- Publication Date: 1st edition 1998
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0590631454
- ISBN-13: 978-0590631457
- Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches