My Light – By Molly Bang Author and Illustrator: Molly Bang The Sun is a wondrous powerhouse which brings us energy in the form or light. The suns power is present in all aspects of our lives, from electricity in our houses to photosynthesis in plants which sustains life on this planet. In My Light the sun itself narrates this exceptional story! Transfixing images show curtains of light particles rippling across a midnight blue sky. This book quickly […]
– Book by Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm –
– Book by Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm –
Ocean Sunlight How Tiny Plants Feed The Seas Author: Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm Illustrator: Molly Bang Ocean Sunlight is an enchanting educational book which covers complicated topics in a fun and exciting way, which children can absorb through the clear informative text and the marvellous energised illustrations. It moves forward without getting too technical and yet delivers complex information about ocean eco systems. Wearing our microscopic lens we see into the exotic world of zooplankton and phytoplankton with […]
– Book by Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm –
– Book by Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm –
Living Sunlight How Plants Bring The Earth To Life Author: Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm Illustrator: Molly Bang A magnificent book which explains the basic scientific principles behind life on earth. Children can explore the stages in chemical transformation as the sunlight is photosynthesised and made into sugars, the energy packs and building blocks for life on earth. Simple chemical equations are introduced for those who are interested to know more. Molly Bang’s illustrations are colourful, rich and descriptive, allowing […]
WE HAVE LIFT OFF – Book by Sean Taylor and Hannah Shaw –
– Book by Sean Taylor and Hannah Shaw –
We Have Lift Off Author: Sean Taylor Illustrator: Hannah Shaw They could take no more of his environmental destruction and their mistreatment, but who could have guessed that the animals on Mr Tanner’s farm would take action! While selfish Mr Tanner was busy polluting the air with smoke, filling the river with muck and junk, and cutting down the trees, they set about building an intergalactic rocket to escape to the clean, clear stars. Narrated by the ‘first chicken […]
THE BEATLES – Book by Mick Manning and Brita Granström –
– Book by Mick Manning and Brita Granström –
The Beatles Author and Illustrator: Mick Manning and Brita Granström The Beatles live on in this exciting new book for children. Told in colourful fun cartoon frames, this factually correct account follows the ‘Fab Fours’ history from their school days to independent careers after The Beatles disbanded. Why did the US crime rate drop to an all-time low when The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show? Why did John Lennon returned his MBE to Buckingham Palace? Read about […]
I AM CAT – Book by Jackie Morris –
– Book by Jackie Morris –
I Am Cat Author and Illustrator: Jackie Morris A ‘must have’ book for all young cat lovers! What do they see beneath those velvet eyelids, what do they dream? I Am Cat, invites us into their private world, into landscapes of jungles, snowy peaks and grasslands. These are the dreams, the hidden memories of a ginger tabby, sleeping on its cushion, curled up ‘ammonite tight’. Poetically written and deliciously illustrated with rich colour and detail, Jackie Morris’ watercolours explore […]
THE ICE BEAR – Book by Jackie Morris –
– Book by Jackie Morris –
The Ice Bear Author and Illustrator: Jackie Morris In the tradition of myths of old, this powerful story entwines magical themes, shape shifting, harsh realities and pure emotions into a story from another time. The concepts of love, balance and respect for all life are strong reoccurring themes in Jackie Morris’ books. “In the beginning of time, people and animals lived together on the earth and there was no difference between them.” Thus begins the story of a changeling […]
SONG OF THE GOLDEN HARE – Book by Jackie Morris –
– Book by Jackie Morris –
Song Of the Golden Hare Author and Illustrator: Jackie Morris Unlike other families who hunt the hares, this family is special. They are guardians of the Golden Hare. The golden queen will choose her mate by the beauty of his song. Their child will take her place as queen and she will leave the world of humans, journeying to the golden isle across the sea. This happens only every fifty years or so making the queen a somewhat mystical […]
CALLUM’S INCREDIBLE CONSTRUCTION KIT – Book by Jonathan Emmett and Ben Mantle –
– Book by Jonathan Emmett and Ben Mantle –
Callum’s Incredible Construction Kit Author: Jonathan Emmett Illustrator: Ben Mantle Young Callum is full of ideas, big ideas! When he gets a construction kit for his birthday there is no stopping him. He loves building toys and takes the kit everywhere with him. This proves to be incredibly handy. Callum collects more and more pieces until his home is jam packed. Then something terrible happens… Callum takes up the challenge and puts his biggest ever plan into action. A […]
THE SNOW LEOPARD – Book by Jackie Morris –
– Book by Jackie Morris –
The Snow Leopard Author and Illustrator: Jackie Morris Gaspingly beautiful. A myth of rebirth and transformation set in the secret folds of the Himalayan mountains. The Snow Leopard is a guardian protector and creator being. Sensing changes in the world Snow Leopard looks for the one who will learn the songs of power and eventually take its place. A sleeping girl hears the songs and is woven deep into the fabric of this magical adventure. Poetically written, the universal […]