Tale of a Great White Fish Author: Maggie de Vries Illustrator: Renne Benoit A unique and astonishing story which follows the life of a monster fish, which when finally tagged by scientists in 2005, was over 177 years old! This amazing Sturgeon fish was 6.1 meters long and 770kg in weight. That’s heavier than 3 fully grown male lions! Not surprisingly these great fish are survivors from before the era of the dinosaur! However as time goes by they […]
BIG CITY BEES– Book by Maggie de Vries and Renne Benoit –
– Book by Maggie de Vries and Renne Benoit –
Big City Bees Author: Maggie de Vries Illustrator: Renne Benoit In a world where the plight of the honey bee is now being taken seriously, this lovely book gives children an insight into the important role bees play. In a big city, two children are fortunate to have the guidance of their Grandpa, a man who knows the seasons, the ways of gardening and the special place of the little bee. We follow the children and their garden through […]